Friday, August 12, 2011

Dead End on 21 Jump Street

Forever 21 Top/ Target Pants, Shoes, Bag & Earrings/ Sophie Watch, Nordstrom/ Paloma Picasso Loving Heart Earrings, Tiffany & Co.
Earlier this week I came across this picture of Johnny Depp from his {super sexy} 21 Jump Street days.
photo from
 Since I was only a baby when this show aired on television it wasn't until a few years ago that I rented and actually watched it. I have always thought I should have been born 20 years earlier; I love the funky late 80s style {leg warmers and off the shoulder tops?yes please!} and more importantly, I am positive that my giant lion mane hair was created by God to be done BIG. But even though I wasn't, I still love to pull inspiration from past generations. So this week when I found this picture of young Johnny Depp I loved that he was wearing a big dangling earring in one ear with smaller earrings in the other. Today I did a Kristen take on this and wore a pair of big funky dangling earrings on one ear and simple Tiffany studs on the other ear. I think it's safe to say that this combo will definitely be making a reappearance!


  1. Love the background you chose. And I feel like this is a different look than you usually go for... I dig it!

  2. Right? Especially with this dark hair. I felt like I was ready for combat!
